5 weeks ago
"Atthacariya is the benevolent, or beneficial action for the common good."

(Photo: Declan McCullagh)
"...for the benefit of all sentient beings."
Monday 12 November 2007
Winter Soldier
Well, it has been 2 months since I have written. In that time, it seems as though little has happened, yet I know that isn't true. As I sit here today on the day that we observe Veterans Day, I am reminded that there are so many of my fellow human beings that are in a difficult situation with no end in sight. This morning I did several television interviews across the United States (nearly 30) and I spoke about the inadequacy of healthcare and benefits for Veterans and the lack of an adequate transitioning program that helps our troops readjust to civilian life after experiencing something as traumatic as war. As I sit down tonight and meditate, I will take some time to reflect on what it is that I can do to help bring this war and all wars to an end within my lifetime. Peace to all on Veterans Day.
Thursday 23 August 2007
Today is the day
Six years of the "War on Terror" and my head is spinning.
Grasping for solutions, my chest tightens and my teeth clench with the manifestations of outrage.
"Send them to fight and leave them behind!"
How much longer can we put up with humanity's failure to put a stop to these atrocities.
"Move over American Soldier, my favorite show is on!"
America, your Idols makes me sick.
Buy a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach him to fish you feed him for a lifetime, show him a picture of a fish and you'll only make him hungry.
American's scream with outrage over the death of a child in a drive-by,
but remain silent when we drop bombs on children overseas.
Not in my backyard!
Give them an enemy and they will support your cause with reverent devotion.
Ask the Native Americans, the Irish, the Germans, the Italians, the Jews, the Africans, the Asians, the Mexicans and now the Muslims. (I am sure there are plenty more to add to this list).
So many preach the rhetoric of war with one side of their mouth, while speaking of peace, justice and equality with the other.
It may appear that we have shed our reptilian layers of racism and hatred in this country, but all along we have grown, manifesting intolerance, nurturing it in our psyche.
Forget the past and you are doomed to repeat it.
The carrot and stick approach works. Dangle consumerism in front of humankind and they will sign over their souls.
Silver platter and all.
Humanity has sold-out for Starbucks and Visa.
Freedom is free.
It is greed that has lead us down the path, paying the fare with lives.
Our youth are bearing the ultimate cost.
Humanity has become a virus.
Understanding, Compassion and Peace are the cure.
Grasping for solutions, my chest tightens and my teeth clench with the manifestations of outrage.
"Send them to fight and leave them behind!"
How much longer can we put up with humanity's failure to put a stop to these atrocities.
"Move over American Soldier, my favorite show is on!"
America, your Idols makes me sick.
Buy a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach him to fish you feed him for a lifetime, show him a picture of a fish and you'll only make him hungry.
American's scream with outrage over the death of a child in a drive-by,
but remain silent when we drop bombs on children overseas.
Not in my backyard!
Give them an enemy and they will support your cause with reverent devotion.
Ask the Native Americans, the Irish, the Germans, the Italians, the Jews, the Africans, the Asians, the Mexicans and now the Muslims. (I am sure there are plenty more to add to this list).
So many preach the rhetoric of war with one side of their mouth, while speaking of peace, justice and equality with the other.
It may appear that we have shed our reptilian layers of racism and hatred in this country, but all along we have grown, manifesting intolerance, nurturing it in our psyche.
Forget the past and you are doomed to repeat it.
The carrot and stick approach works. Dangle consumerism in front of humankind and they will sign over their souls.
Silver platter and all.
Humanity has sold-out for Starbucks and Visa.
Freedom is free.
It is greed that has lead us down the path, paying the fare with lives.
Our youth are bearing the ultimate cost.
Humanity has become a virus.
Understanding, Compassion and Peace are the cure.
Monday 2 July 2007
Independence Day
On Wednesday, take a moment out of your busy day to reflect back on what you have done for Peace this year. I should mention that this blog is not a political platform. If you want to argue with my point of view, save your breath because I will tell you ahead of time that you are already right. So with that, and with the troubling state that our country is in, I can not help but reflect upon the nearing holiday. On July 4th the United States will celebrate its independence as a sovereign nation. As American's we should be reflecting on the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Articles of the Confederation and where we now stand in the grand scheme. These documents are important reminders of how we are supposed to treat each other with fairness and dignity. I believe that it is now more crucial than ever that America wakes up to the War that is being waged not only abroad, but on these very documents, and subsequently on its citizens by the current mis-guided administration. Yesterday was particularly troubling for me. I was told by a fellow Veteran about how he and some other Veterans had traveled to Fort Jackson to visit an active duty member of the Iraq Veterans Against the War. These individuals were later confronted and then detained by Military Police without being given a proper reason as to why. As this was happening, one of the members of the group pulled out his "pocket" Constitution and began reading sections concerning the rights of the detained to know why they are being held for questioning. The Military Police simply ignored this. Later, the same individual with the "pocket" Constitution, told the MP's that they were traitors. This is true, I guess, based on the fact that every member of the Armed Forces swears to "uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic". So perhaps prior to enlistment in the Armed Forces, it should be required material to read the Constitution and be tested on it. And what about the members of the White House acting as though they are above the law or that laws do not apply to them at all? What is the Patriot Act, but a tool for obstructing our inalienable rights as stated in the Constitution, the very foundation of our American Democracy. How easy it is to fool the willing, disguising these very real WMD's under the ruse of Patriotism and red, white and blue. Would that not make the current administration domestic enemies of the Constitution? So will America just play along and allow ourselves to be swallowed up and blinded by consumerism and attachment to materialism? The media and Hollywood serve so well as accomplices to the hi-jacking of our country. It has been said that "The best slave is the one the one that thinks he is free". America is more concerned with who the next American Idol is going to be, then they are about how many American's are dying in these illegal and senseless wars. Only one of our Presidential candidates has said that he wants to reinstate the Constitution and get rid of War as a foreign policy (Dennis Kucinich), why only one?. So on the 4th of July, just reflect on some of this, and ask yourself if you are a willing participant in the destruction of American democracy, or are you and advocate for its preservation, and an advocate for Peace.
Monday 25 June 2007
Friday 15 June 2007
Monday 11 June 2007
Zen Buddhist Pilgrimage

As many of you know I recently joined my Buddhist teacher Claude AnShin Thomas on a spiritual pilgrimage along the U.S.-Mexican border. The walk was one of wonder and discovery, learning about the issues along the U.S.-Mexican border. The walk began on March 1st in Brownsville, Texas and ended on May 9th at Border Fields State Park in California. I personally joined the pilgrimage in April and walked across New Mexico before returning home, and rejoined AnShin and the others again to walk the last few miles and join the closing ceremony here in California.
Along the journey we came across many people and organizations that were working diligently to do what they can to tackle the various border issues. Many different churchs, organizations and individuals hosted us and shared their stories with us. Even the Border Patrol agents themselves shared their point of view. Being a border region, one of the biggest issues is, of course, the immigration issue. So, many stories of heartbreak where heard about people who are/were seeking a better life. As Buddhists, one tries not to take sides on these issues, but simply observe and bear witness to the situation. We met many wonderful people who were doing what they could to help out those who are less fortunate.
As many of you know before the pilgrimage I was raising "Dana" (pronounced "Donna"), which is to ask for donations, in this case monetary, (Dana is of course, not limited to money) from the "community" and use the money at the end of the walk to help out the organizations that we had met along the way. Those who had committed to the walk were not allowed to bring any money of their own because we were practicing "Alms Begging", and relying on the kindness of strangers to assist us. The Dana is an extension of that practice into the community to allow others to also participate indirectly.
Since we have completed the walk, all of the "Pilgrams" will now decide how best to distribute the Dana amongst the various groups. Thank you to everyone that contributed.
Love and Light,
In Gassho,
Cameron White
Adjust the focus
The weekend is approaching quickly and I am excited because I will have a chance to further my practice at the Veterans Retreat and see some old friends. On Tuesday, Claude AnShin Thomas will be giving a private talk here in Sherman Oaks, and the following day my good friend and colleague Matthew Howard will be flying in from Vermont. Matt has been very active in the Peace Movement on the East Coast. Also, I wanted to share with people the experiences of the Zen Border Pilgrimage that I participated in this April. I will post that in the following blog. For now I want to share this:
I was very "sad" to see Cindy Sheehan "depart" from the Peace Movement this Memorial Day. She was/is truly a strong woman who has cared deeply about the future of her country and of the world. Hers was not simply a campaign to bring justice to her son, but to wave the banner for so many that were not sure how to deal with the lies, corruption and war that our country has perpetrated both here and abroad. I can surely identify with Cindy as she compares America's concern with the war to that of the entertainment world. Who will win 'American Idol' seems to be more important to the American public than the lives lost in the war as she puts it. It is frustrating that during Vietnam we witnessed entire college campus's filled with student protesters, and now the only college students who seem to care are the ones affiliated with certain groups or organizations. Perhaps if there was a draft they would not be so silent.
This reflection has pushed me to become more active with the Peace Movement. I too have become disheartened with the lack of progress and the total disregard by the majority of America, but nevertheless, I believe that we must keep trying. In the words of Dr. King, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. "
So...I am again becoming active with Iraq Veterans Against the War, and the Veterans for Peace organizations. I will be down in Santa Monica on Sundays at the Arlington West Memorial tabling and helping to set up, and in the meantime I will continue to deepen my spiritual practice and study with Claude AnShin Thomas and work to better myself so that I can help others to do the same. This war must end. In order to do so we must end the war that exists within us. Only then can we truly experience Peace.
I was very "sad" to see Cindy Sheehan "depart" from the Peace Movement this Memorial Day. She was/is truly a strong woman who has cared deeply about the future of her country and of the world. Hers was not simply a campaign to bring justice to her son, but to wave the banner for so many that were not sure how to deal with the lies, corruption and war that our country has perpetrated both here and abroad. I can surely identify with Cindy as she compares America's concern with the war to that of the entertainment world. Who will win 'American Idol' seems to be more important to the American public than the lives lost in the war as she puts it. It is frustrating that during Vietnam we witnessed entire college campus's filled with student protesters, and now the only college students who seem to care are the ones affiliated with certain groups or organizations. Perhaps if there was a draft they would not be so silent.
This reflection has pushed me to become more active with the Peace Movement. I too have become disheartened with the lack of progress and the total disregard by the majority of America, but nevertheless, I believe that we must keep trying. In the words of Dr. King, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. "
So...I am again becoming active with Iraq Veterans Against the War, and the Veterans for Peace organizations. I will be down in Santa Monica on Sundays at the Arlington West Memorial tabling and helping to set up, and in the meantime I will continue to deepen my spiritual practice and study with Claude AnShin Thomas and work to better myself so that I can help others to do the same. This war must end. In order to do so we must end the war that exists within us. Only then can we truly experience Peace.
Sunday 20 May 2007
Veterans Retreat and Public Talk: June 14-17
More Information Please Contact:
Wiebke KenShin Andersen
Phone (978) 369-4342
Fax (978) 263-9051
E-mail: kenshin@zaltho.org
Jon Monday at
Phone: 760-451-1959
Fax: 760-451-9504
E-mail: Jon@mondaymedia.org
Peace be upon you,
In Gassho,
~Cameron AnGyo White
H.H. The 12th Gyalwang Drukpa
Today I had the pleasure of meeting His Holiness the 12th Gyalwang Drukpa and listen to him talk about the school that is operated by his foundation in India. It was a great gathering and reception at the Art & Design Museum of Los Angeles. The featured exhibit was to demonstrate sustainable, environmentally friendly and socially conscious architecture. I was able to meet H.H. and talk with him a little before he left, and I am planning on making a contribution to the school. If you would like to find out more you can visit their website at www.dwls.org. You may have seen the school featured in some of the recent Cisco commercials. If you are in the San Diego area or if you are in SoCal and just looking for something to involve yourself in over the Memorial Day weekend, plan to attend: "A Tribute to Our Nation's Fallen in Operation: Iraqi Freedom" May 28th, 2007: 12:00am - 7:00 pm at the Oceanside Pier. There is also a retreat for Veterans being led by my teacher, the Venerable Claude AnShin Thomas. Check it out or let others know. Peace!
In Gassho,
~Cameron AnGyo
Wednesday 11 April 2007
Peace moves forward! Pt. 2
Greetings to all! I have returned from the U.S.-Mexico pilgrimage and also from testifying on the North Dakota peace resolution and I am happy to say that the resolution passed in the ND legislature and was adopted by ND. So the "Peace Garden State" can now say that it officially supports peace in the middle-east!
In other news I walked across the state of New Mexico with my Buddhist teacher Claude AnShin Thomas and had some great experiences although the time was short. I am intending on rejoining the pilgrimage once they get to the California border and then continuing the walk until it is finished. I will also be attending a veterans retreat in San Diego in June so if their are any vets that would like to attend email me at atthacariya@peacemail.com.
In Gassho,
In other news I walked across the state of New Mexico with my Buddhist teacher Claude AnShin Thomas and had some great experiences although the time was short. I am intending on rejoining the pilgrimage once they get to the California border and then continuing the walk until it is finished. I will also be attending a veterans retreat in San Diego in June so if their are any vets that would like to attend email me at atthacariya@peacemail.com.
In Gassho,
Sunday 25 March 2007
Peace moves forward!
Well, hello to anyone reading. I have now settled into my new home in Los Angeles and I am already spreading out into the Buddhist community and trying to make some connections. I tried starting things off on a good foot here. On March 17th I attended the Peace March and Rally that took place in downtown Los Angeles. I was with my fellow IVAW members as we rallied for peace and called for an end to the war and violence in the middle-east. Then I left on the 21st of March to head to North Dakota to testify in a committee hearing for the House of Representatives. The North Dakota Peace Coalition had introduced a bi-partisan resolution that called for an end to the war in the middle east and a withdraw of the troops. The resolution passed in the committee and will now be voted on in the State House. Hopefully they will recognize the motions of their fellow reps on the "Hill", who voted last week to pass a bill to withdraw the troops by March, 2008. This week I am also leaving to join Claude AnShin Thomas and others on the US-Mexico border walk pilgrimage.
Cameron AnGyo White
Cameron AnGyo White
Thursday 1 February 2007
Recovery: A slow process...

As winters cold embrace falls upon the Midwest, I contemplate a warmer, sunnier place.
I am speaking of the western coast, and a place called California. I left California nearly two years ago, after ending my active duty commitment to the United States Marine Corps, and I never looked back... until recently. In a bold move, I am now preparing myself to move back to a place that at one time, I couldn't get out of fast enough. Of course, times change and so do our viewpoints. I no longer support military action, or any form of violence for that matter. At the end of this month I will be quitting my job as the Director of Marketing and Promotions for the mixed-martial arts organization "The Dakota Fighting Championships" and moving on to work out in California. I will begin working in the entertainment industry, but as soon as an opportunity presents itself to do work that is more socially active and benefits all living beings, I am going to embrace it. So as I reflect on what I am leaving behind, I can find solace in the fact that as one door closes, another one opens.
In Gassho,
Cameron AnGyo White
Saturday 6 January 2007
Beginnings and Endings
Well the retreat down here in Florida has come to an end. I am leaving the Magnolia Zen Center tomorrow morning and heading back home to Minnesota. It has been a wonderful experience, and I was very fortunate to meet all of the wonderful people who came to this sesshin. I am also happy to announce that I took initiation vows into the Buddhist practice during a wonderful ceremony 2 days ago. Now I have to consider the next step, but I will just try and be mindful and present and let these things reveal themselves to me. So even though I am saying goodbye to AnShin and everyone down here, I am saying hello to a new life and a new year.
May you all find happiness in the simplicity of life.
In Gassho
~Cameron AnGyo White
May you all find happiness in the simplicity of life.
In Gassho
~Cameron AnGyo White
Wednesday 3 January 2007
Food for Thought
It is necessary to cultivate some discipline of mind, for an undisciplined mind always finds excuses to act selfishly and thoughtlessly. When the mind is undisciplined, the body is also undisciplined and so is speech and action.
~Anguttara Nikaya
~Anguttara Nikaya
Tuesday 2 January 2007
Happy New Year!

Well, I am on day 8 of my two week New Years retreat down in in Florida at the Magnolia Zen center. I would just like to take some time out of the practice to wish all those reading a very happy and blessed new year. This is the year of the Pig by the Chinese calendar (after Feb. 17th) and the year of Pisces in Western astrology.
I don't really have much more to say at this point other than to tell you to take care of yourself and others. Let's make this year one of healing and transformation. Dedicate some of your time towards peaceful and non-violent activism and let's all work together to make this world a better place for future generations.
In Gassho
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