5 weeks ago
"Atthacariya is the benevolent, or beneficial action for the common good."

(Photo: Declan McCullagh)
"...for the benefit of all sentient beings."
Monday 12 November 2007
Winter Soldier
Well, it has been 2 months since I have written. In that time, it seems as though little has happened, yet I know that isn't true. As I sit here today on the day that we observe Veterans Day, I am reminded that there are so many of my fellow human beings that are in a difficult situation with no end in sight. This morning I did several television interviews across the United States (nearly 30) and I spoke about the inadequacy of healthcare and benefits for Veterans and the lack of an adequate transitioning program that helps our troops readjust to civilian life after experiencing something as traumatic as war. As I sit down tonight and meditate, I will take some time to reflect on what it is that I can do to help bring this war and all wars to an end within my lifetime. Peace to all on Veterans Day.
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