The weekend is approaching quickly and I am excited because I will have a chance to further my practice at the Veterans Retreat and see some old friends. On Tuesday, Claude AnShin Thomas will be giving a private talk here in Sherman Oaks, and the following day my good friend and colleague Matthew Howard will be flying in from Vermont. Matt has been very active in the Peace Movement on the East Coast. Also, I wanted to share with people the experiences of the Zen Border Pilgrimage that I participated in this April. I will post that in the following blog. For now I want to share this:
I was very "sad" to see Cindy Sheehan "depart" from the Peace Movement this Memorial Day. She was/is truly a strong woman who has cared deeply about the future of her country and of the world. Hers was not simply a campaign to bring justice to her son, but to wave the banner for so many that were not sure how to deal with the lies, corruption and war that our country has perpetrated both here and abroad. I can surely identify with Cindy as she compares America's concern with the war to that of the entertainment world. Who will win 'American Idol' seems to be more important to the American public than the lives lost in the war as she puts it. It is frustrating that during Vietnam we witnessed entire college campus's filled with student protesters, and now the only college students who seem to care are the ones affiliated with certain groups or organizations. Perhaps if there was a draft they would not be so silent.
This reflection has pushed me to become more active with the Peace Movement. I too have become disheartened with the lack of progress and the total disregard by the majority of America, but nevertheless, I believe that we must keep trying. In the words of Dr. King, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. "
So...I am again becoming active with Iraq Veterans Against the War, and the Veterans for Peace organizations. I will be down in Santa Monica on Sundays at the Arlington West Memorial tabling and helping to set up, and in the meantime I will continue to deepen my spiritual practice and study with Claude AnShin Thomas and work to better myself so that I can help others to do the same. This war must end. In order to do so we must end the war that exists within us. Only then can we truly experience Peace.
5 weeks ago
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