A curious observation of the Buddhist practice will reveal a massive amount of texts, videos, podcasts, websites, blogs, etc... on the topic of Buddhism and how to practice. How many books have been written on the Buddha, Anger, Meditation, Love, Understanding, Peace? Several hundreds of course, yet these books continue to be published in great numbers and people continue to buy them.
I ask myself "How many times can you write the same thing over and over again?"
The foundations of this practice are actually very simple and few, yet there is a virtual cornacopia of books, videos, etc, on the subject matter. I realize that a certain text may speak more clearly to a person than a similar text written by someone else. I personally love books, and therefore love books on Buddhism and related topics. I am even slowly working on my own memoir, which I ask myself "who would want to read about me or my experience"? But who knows? Someone may click with another persons personal story and see something within themselves that they can change to create a better life. That is what happened to me.
Borders Books has closed some stores and I am sure that several more book stores are going to close given the current state of the economy. So take advantage of this and see if you can find something that speaks to you, or even better, a gift for someone else.
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