I recently attended a 2 week sesshin with my teacher, Claude AnShin Thomas. I was fortunate that he was coming down to Chile to lead this annual retreat, which was only about an hour from my house. During the retreat AnShin mentioned the possibility of moving to Chile on a permanent basis, feeling a strong desire from Chileans to seek the practice. Upon the mention of this idea, I later spoke with him about the possibility that I could seek out the right people to make it all happen from the Chilean end. I had already met a North American builder (from the U.S.) who had a desire to build a monastery. I had also met 2 people whom were educated in permaculture, one with an engineering degree and both with an interest in helping out. I would later meet a man who had been entrusted with a large piece of land and was given the intent to turn it into some kind of place for healing. He also happened to be a lawyer. So everything up to this point seems to just be falling into place. I am enjoying the social networking and the wonderful friends that are coming on board for this project, and I truly hope that we can see this through to the end. It will be a place of healing and transformation where people can find peace and quiet on the outside and develop the same inside.