Please pass on this info to any Veterans which may be interested. This June, my teacher, the Venerable Claude AnShin Thomas will be leading a retreat for Veterans. On Thursday the 14th, there will be a public talk at the Joan B. Kroc Peace & Justice Theatre at the University of San Diego. The following three days a retreat will be held for Veterans and their spouses/ significant others at Manzanita Village located Near Warner Springs in north San Diego County. It is the county retreat center of Ordinary Dharma, a Los Angeles-based group, which weaves together the teachings and practices of the Buddhist traditions with the timeless themes of Peace-Making and Non-Violence, Social Justice, Personal Integration and Creativity. Please read more
here and also visit the
Zaltho Foundation website.
More Information Please Contact:
Wiebke KenShin Andersen
Phone (978) 369-4342
Fax (978) 263-9051
E-mail: kenshin@zaltho.org
Jon Monday at
Phone: 760-451-1959
Fax: 760-451-9504
E-mail: Jon@mondaymedia.org
Peace be upon you,
In Gassho,
~Cameron AnGyo White